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"PlanetsOwn is an umbrella organization working with sustainable solutions for water treatment and waste processing."

"PlanetsOwn is an umbrella organization working with sustainable solutions for water treatment and waste processing."

Looking closer at a drop of tap water it's not just water anymore, but a cross-section of accumulated contemporary waste from industrial, agricultural, and medical production; waste that effluent plants of today are unable to remove.


Scientists publish more and more reports on the negative effects of contaminated water.
An area of significant concern is the cocktail effect, i.e. the effect of chemical substances in combination.

Additionally, we face an increase in problems related to viruses, bacteria, and parasites in our drinking water. Like traces of medicine (hormones, etc.), these have proved impossible for effluent plants to manage.

PlanetsOwn is an umbrella organization working with sustainable solutions for water treatment and waste processing. Our goal is to purify water without chemicals, and treat the waste in a biologically sustainable way.


Companies within the organization develop technology based on natural processes and thus promote biological diversity, making water "just" water, and making waste a natural part of the food chain.


Nature purifies nature.

Pure water

A prerequisite for life

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